2024 Jerome Award Winner - Fr. David Endres

Fr. David Endres has been named the 2024 recipient of the Jerome Award, the annual award given by the Catholic Library Association (CLA) “in recognition of outstanding contribution and commitment to excellence in scholarship which embody the ideals of the Catholic Library Association.”  The Jerome  Award ceremony will take place during the CLA Virtual Spring Conference on April 25-26, 2024.

David Endres is a priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds a Ph.D. in Church History from the School of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic University of America and is dean of The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary and School of Theology in Cincinnati. He has published widely on Catholicism, especially on the history of the Catholic Church in the United States.  Fr. Endres is the editor and author of several books, the most recent of which is Slavery and the Catholic Church in the United States: Historical Studies (Catholic University of America Press, 2023). He is currently preparing a biography of Archbishop William Henry Elder, second archbishop of Cincinnati. He is active in the American Catholic Historical Association and is editor of the scholarly quarterly U.S. Catholic Historian. His research interests include U.S. Catholic history, especially immigration and ethnicity, the antebellum period, the Civil War, and the late nineteenth century.

The Jerome Award, established in 1992, is presented by the Academic Libraries, Archives, and Library Education Section through the Jerome Award Committee. Named after St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church (331-420), patron of librarians, it is awarded in recognition of outstanding contribution and commitment to excellence in scholarship which embody the ideals of the Catholic Library Association.